Friday, 16 September 2016

So Many Things

Well, it's been a while since I've posted.  I have been VERY busy on my website and pastel pencil drawings so apologies for the radio silence.

I have so many plans for so many things that sometimes the only things that get done are things in my brain!  However, I have been experimenting with all sorts of techniques and methods in oils.  I have a strong idea of the kind of thing I like and the kind of thing I'd like to produce, but at the moment I have so many ideas, I'm like a kid in a sweet shop (although I always preferred the stationery shop - oh those rows and rows of felt-tips and crayons do so much more for me than haribos and black jacks.)  I guess we all need to experiment, it's what keeps it fresh.

So, here are a few I've painted over the last couple of weeks.

Royal Gala Apples
Why did I choose Royal Gala apples?  Oh the complicated layers of reds, pinks and yellows.  I'm always up for a challenge, but as this was the first oil I'd done in a while, that was challenge enough!  I am really not happy with certain aspects of this and I went from precise, to impasto knives to medium, to no medium, to dry to Oh I don't know what.  In the end I was reasonably satisfied. At least it's the best of all the versions I wiped.  And I do like the way the light breaks through between the middle two apples.  I expect to use this in future compositions - look out for it.

Tuscan Trees and Fishing
Two little (6 inch square) ones.  I really loved painting both of these and found them so do-able in just a few small hours.  In fact these have inspired me to paint a lot more in oils.  I will keep you updated!

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